My Italian Ancestry
A genealogical journey through your Italian roots
Discover your roots
Meet your Italian family and visit the places where your story has begun
Have you always dreamed of knowing the history of your family and discovering everything about your ancestors and your Italian roots? Would you like to reconnect with your past and visit the places where your family was born and grew up?
With MIA – My Italian Ancestry you can do it! My expert genealogists and I are ready to guide you on a genealogical journey to discover your Italian roots and to meet the land, the customs and the people who are part of your identity.

Genealogical journey and Italian citizenship
The shortest and easiest path between you and your roots
Not sure how to discover or prove your Italian origins? MIA – My Italian Ancestry was born from the idea that each one of us is the result of all the people, traditions, places that preceded us and that contributed to create our history. Just like in a tree, where every single leaf is nourished and sustained by the same lifeblood.
Our task is to shed light on those stories, on the ties that have united them and on the land that has nurtured their roots. Whether it’s to prove the origins that entitle you to Italian citizenship or to get excited by visiting your ancestors’ birth places, or even to embrace your family of origin, we are here to help you.

By your side in your family journey
Italian citizenship
Become a fully recognized Italian citizen, travel freely in all EU states and find a job throughout Europe.
Obtaining Italian citizenship by descent is much easier with our assistance in the research of all the necessary documents.

Genealogy tour through your Ancestors’ birth places
Visit the places where your ancestors were born, enjoy the local vibe and discover the Italian culture and traditions that belong to you as well. Meet your relatives in Italy and experience a full of emotions journey, surrounded by the beauty, the scents, the flavors of your homeland.
Genealogy Research
Discover the name, identity and history of your Italian ancestors with a genealogy research on your family origins.
Retrace your family roots and recreate a connection with your past thanks to our expert genealogists.

or contact us for further information.